SchoolStat™ Copyright© 1989-93 v1.0.7 WhiteAnt Occasional Publishing Written by David Darby Please send your suggestions and shareware fee ($20 if you use this regularly) to: David Darby: c/- 69 Saco St, Newton MA, 02164, Ph 617-965-6506 email: or if after Jun 1995, then: c/- 80 Roden St West Melbourne, 3003, Australia Ph 613-329-9981 Click on a topic in the left hand field to find out more about it. I hope you like SchoolStat™, and welcome suggestions! Philosophy & History of SchoolStat™: If you are interested, I recount here the disappointing saga of SchoolStat™'s development in brief. It sprung from an HyperCard stack of probability distributions, but required proper compiling to achieve acceptable speed. The current version has now been demonstrated to 100s of people in the software industry, notably here in the USA. They have all praised it highly (sic) but would not commit themselves and publish it. Its release has thus been delayed for over 18 months! I now bitterly regret this, for I originally wrote it to be used in schools and to be sold cheaply. I have learned quite a lot about software publishing businesses, and am disheartened for the many small developers and enthusiasts like myself. I now offer SchoolStat™ as shareware, in the hope that it can still appeal to some students and their Statistics teachers, and assist them in understanding graphically some statistical concepts. I fully intended putting more features into it, but frankly found it hard to sustain interest after so many knock-backs. However, such interest can be re-kindled if enough people use, like and inform me of their suggestions. Also note that this has so far taken approximately 2-3 years to develop to its current state. If you want improvements (eg ANOVA, multiple regression, better graphing…) then please do show your interest by registering with a reasonable shareware fee. I am particularly keen to hear from statisticians with constructive criticisms (the more detail the better!). Of course, this software may be passed freely on to others, as long as this copyright notice and accompanying documentation are left intact, and it shall not be sold, or bundled with any product offered for profit without the consent of the author. The author can not offer any warranty or guarantees that this software will do as claimed (although he thinks it does a darn good job!). Special thanks to Leo Flynn & Ken Sharpe Extral special thanks to the ingenuity of FaceWare (who may be contacted on 217-328-5842 or faxed on 217-328-7876)